Birth Strategy & Recap of Liam’s Birth

Thursday, January 21, 2021

I figured I would talk about what my “plan” is for this second baby’s birth! I had a SUPER easy labor/delivery with Liam so I am trying to prepare myself that it may not be the case with this one! I just don’t want to set myself up to think that it’s going to be a piece of cake again, and then it not be and me freak out. So today I’m talking about my birth strategy and recap of Liam’s birth!


TOP : Amazon– wearing a medium- multiple colors // JEANS : Levis‘ wearing a 28 w/ this maternity band (S/M) // SUNGLASSES : Similar here // NECKLACE : Amazon //

With Liam . . .

With Liam, I had it super easy! I went to bed the night before feeling a little bit crampy, but wasn’t having any contractions. I never had any sort of contractions with him- not even Braxton Hicks. When I woke up the next morning at about 6 AM I was having a lot of pain and discomfort but still no contractions. I had spent the night at my moms house the night before because Caleb had work night shift at the hospital so I drove from my moms to my house. By the time I got there, I had started having contractions pretty close together- about 4 mins apart. So I let those go on well I called the doctor and Caleb cleaned off from the hospital and we gathered our things. When we got to the hospital they gave me some pain medicine and told me I was only 3 cm dilated. So after watching me for a few hours and not progressing they told me to get up and walk around the hospital. When I got back I still had only progressed half a centimeter so I opted to have my membranes stripped so that I could be admitted and get my epidural. From there it was an absolute breeze. It was about 2 PM and I labored until around 1130 when he finally arrived. I pushed for about 40 minutes, but Caleb and my mom kept having to wake me up in between pushes. And I pretty much slept the entire time from two till 11.

Read the rest of Liam’s birth story here!

With baby #2. . .

For this baby, my plan is to labor a little longer at home. Maybe Caleb will be able to check me and guesstimate how far along I am or if I’m having any cervical change HAHA! We also haven’t firmly planned what family is going to be here and since both of our families live about an hour and a half away I’m thinking that I will have to wait at least that long until we can leave since we can’t bring Liam with us to the hospital. I want to attempt to avoid the whole process of having to wait and walk around the hospital before being admitted because I was extremely uncomfortable and would’ve rather been at home but at that point I didn’t want to leave the hospital and come back. I’m still definitely getting an epidural, wouldn’t have made it without! 3.5 cm was enough for me- haha! Kudos to those who do it without! Other than that I don’t really have anything else “planned out!” So fingers crossed for an easy process for me and baby!

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