After Liam and I went to Florida a few weeks ago, I got a ton of interest in a post about tips for traveling alone (with kids!) Liam loves the beach (and obviously so do I) so even when Caleb can’t come with us, we still like to adventure! So here are my tips and tricks for traveling by yourself with kids!

1. No Schedule
Going into a trip with a schedule- especially with younger kids- will just leave or them in disappointment! Obviously you can plan things that you’re hoping to do while you’re there, but I recommend not going into it with a set in stone schedule- both for events and naps, etc. Set your expectations low, so that you’re able to make it enjoyable for both you and your kids!
2. Downtime
You know your kids better than anyone, so do what is best for them! Trust me, you’ll probably need some downtime too. I always keep in the back of my head that at some point, Liam will need/want to nap or just relax back at the hotel and watch a movie, etc. Traveling is a lot on anyone, so both mom and the kids will want time to just hang out inside- trust me!
3. Go with familiar
If you’re up for the task- I say GO FOR IT when it comes to exploring a new place alone. Usually when we’re traveling alone, it’s somewhere we’ve been before and more for a relaxing type of trip than an exploring kind of trip. It’s so much easier when you have places in mind/are sort of familiar with the area when you’re on your own.
4. Getting There
This is probably the hardest part of the trip- the travel! I have both flown and driven alone with Liam and he actually did great for both. My tips for both are pretty much the exact same:
- New toys- this helps give them some time to “figure out” the toy and play with it. Usually will buy a lot more time than toys that he has already seen.
- SNACKS- make sure it’s stuff you KNOW they like! When it doubt–> sweets lol. I am not above it- especially if it’s just Liam and I!
- Pack Light- obviously the less you have with you, the easier it is getting it on/off the flight and in and out of the hotel.
My 3 Safety Rules for When We’re Alone
- No one knows we are alone– except Caleb or family (obviously just in case!). I mean it!! Book your reservation with 2 adults instead of just one- it usually doesn’t cost extra and you don’t want the hotel staff to know you’re alone either- you never know! I also make up a fib about what I’m there for or where Caleb is just in case I’m asked. I usually say we’re in town visiting family or here on business!
- Bring some sort of defense – whatever you are comfortable with- pepper spray, etc. You want to be prepared if needed.
- When the sun goes down, end the day- nothing good happens at night. Plus it’s usually when kids witching hour kicks in. Make it back to the hotel when the sun sets and have something fun planned there- indoor pool etc. where it’s safe!