Talking about all the registry must-haves & things we didn’t use with Liam today! I wanted to share the stuff that wasn’t worth it so that you all don’t waste money on the same thing! Keep in mind though, every baby is different so some things work better with some than with others.

SWEATER : Target– wearing a medium // SKIRT : Target – wearing a medium // BOOTS : Walmart // EARRINGS : Francescas //
- Wipe warmer-I think they’re just a waste of money personally. We had wipes stashed everywhere and barely changed him in the nursery so we never had access to it anyways!
- Diaper cream spatula : in theory this would be a good product-however they don’t really work. HAH!
Furniture : So luckily since we are having another BOYYY! we don’t have a ton of stuff to get this time! We are reusing most of Liams furniture with the addition of a couple of new items.
- Crib : we are reusing Liams but linking the one we got!
- Changing Table : also still have from Liam!
- Glider : we did not have one for Liam and MAJORLY regret it- linking the one we registered for.
- Shelving/organizer : later on we got this for Liam but it’s such a help in organizing toys/etc!
Medicine/Diapering : Obviously we didn’t save a lot of this stuff but we definitely know what to stock up on/pass on for this little one!
- Diapers!!! Our favorite are the Target up&up brand- they worked the absolute best with Liam but we liked the pampers ones as well.
- Changing pad : The best thing you could purchase- it’s small and easily transportable and will keep baby clean!
- Diaper Pail : Now we never had one with Liam- and I wouldn’t say it is an absolute MUST but I think we want one this time just for the ease of it!
- Diaper cream : This is the best stuff ever!!! It works better than any other kind.
- Nose Frida – is the best thing for little baby (and toddler sniffles!)
Feeding : I breastfed Liam mostly, but we did have bottles/etc for pumping or the times that we gave him formula! Obviously we’ll be getting more for baby B but I wanted to share what we liked!
- Lanolin : a must if you’re breastfeeding- your nipples will def thank you!
- Bottles : Phillips Avent were our favorite when we had to use them! That’s what he used when he switched to regular milk too!
- Nursing bras: I’ll link a few of my favorites- having a good nursing bra is the easiest way to feed or pump!
Misc :
- Bath tub : we did not having anything like this with Liam and it was just super hard in the beginning. I’m honestly not sure why we never got ones but I’ve used this before with other babies while babysitting etc and its so easy to use!
- Soap : this is our favorite soap- it smells SO GOOD!
- Swaddle : This was the only swaddle Liam would stay in after he was a couple months old- it still allows them to sooth with their hands but they are still “trapped” haha!
- Carseat- newborn – every stage : The key fit we still have from Liam and it was the best carseat- light, affordable, and it moves between bases so you don’t have to install it into both of our cars. The second one is the one we use with Liam now- it’s very comfy for him and grows with him as well!
- Wrap carrier : This is the comfiest wrap! It’s easy- once you practice a few times and there are multiple ways to wear it!
- Swing/Bouncer : We didn’t have one of these with Liam but wished we had! This one is supposed to be awesome!
- High Chair : We used (and still use) this one with Liam! It’s super easy and light and fits on top of any chair!
See our full registry on Amazon here!