If you haven’t had a chance to shop, you can purchase my presets here!
Be sure to use #OMBPresets to be featured!

So for an I Phone, the best way to get a clear, bright shot is to face the light source, if you’re outside, face the sun (que Sunglasses lol), inside, face a window or ring light!
Of course you can take a photo in the shade, it may be darker and you make have to adjust the “exposure” and “shadow” slides in Lightroom. My personal editing style for my presets would be direct Sun!
You may also want to adjust certain colors in the photo. For example, with Sunkissed, you may be too orange or dark, just go to color mix, select the color orange, and adjust how you like!
BRIGHTNESS- if the photo looks too “white” or too dark, you made need to adjust the exposure tab to bring it or take away some light.
COLOR HUE: Depending on whether you’re in the shade or sunlight, you may have to adjust the color hue (blue/yellow) slider as well! Shade looks more blue and sunlight has more yellow so adjust as needed!
Of course if you missed my presets from last year (linked here – pictured below) they are still available as well!