Summertime is here- is your skin ready? Today I am sharing my Summer Skincare favorites with you all! They will help keep your skin healthy, happy, and glowing all Summer long!

TOP: Forever 21– wearing a large // HAT : BRIXTON // SHORTS : Walmart– wearing a 6 // NECKLACE : The Sis Kiss //
shop the look . . .

1. Cerave with SPF
SPF is the key to good Summer skin! Being burnt is obviously bad for your akin, but it also dries it out horribly and you’ll spend the rest of Summer trying to recover. I love this one because it’s light enough that I can wear it under my makeup and it doesn’t feel heavy!
2. Clean it Zero
I’ve talked about this product before but it’s definitely a must for Summer. If you wear makeup at all- you need it! With it being hotter out and you sweating in your makeup- it can clog up your pores SUPER BAD. This acts as a cleanser and makeup remover (still cleanse with a face wash after) so your pores will be squeaky clean!
3. Face Scrubbers
Another thing I use to help work dirt and grime out of my pores are these silicone scrubbers. They help scrub out everything else you don’t want in there and make sure to really work in your cleanser!
4. Niacinamide
The last thing that is one of my summer skincare favorites is niacinamide. I love this one by the ordinary- clean and affordable. It helps with blackheads and pores as well (which I’m more prone too in the Summer heat)!