Breastfeeding Journey and The Motif Luna Breast Pump Review

Friday, May 21, 2021

*** Thank you to Motif Medical for sponsoring today’s post ***

I had no idea what to expect with Liam, and I think that is what made breastfeeding the hardest the first time around. Pair that with some pretty sore nipples and I was pretty miserable the first couple of weeks. I wanted to stick with it as long as I could (just my personal preference on feeding) so I endured through the pain. My pump was zero help- it was just as painful to pump, as it was to feed. After the first month or so, it was relatively painless and I was so relieved that I was able to feed him how I wanted to, and it was painless!

So you can understand my “dreading” of the beginning of my breastfeeding journey with Beaux. . . I knew I wanted to try and breastfeed again, but I wasn’t sure if it would be harder or easier this time. Luckily, I knew some tips and tricks to make it A L O T more comfortable, for both me and him. After all, happy mama = happy baby!

Breastfeeding Tips / Tricks

  • -USE the lactation consultant- at least while you’re in the hospital! Training them for a good latch early on is key- less pain for you !
  • -Find a breast pump that you like!
  • -NIPPLE CREAM NIPPLE CREAM NIPPLE CREAM- trust me, you can’t use too much.
  • -When you’re sore, pump.

I already knew what pump I didn’t like- from using it with Liam. So I polled you all and got some recommendations on what you liked and didn’t like. I tried 2 for myself and ended up sticking with the

Motif Luna is also very very quiet. Some breast pumps make loud clicking or air puff noises that can wake baby or to be honest- are just very annoying. Trust me- it’s a noise you’ll be hearing often, so it does matter! The Motif Luna is a quiet, vibration noise that will not startle while starting, or during pumping!

It also has adjustable settings to allow for the most comfort while pumping, but it is also pumping the most milk possible. In a recent comparison study, 5 out of 6 moms reported more milk in less time with the

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