SWIMSUIT: Aerie – wearing a L // HAT : Nordstrom // SUNGLASSES : Old Nordstrom – similar here //
36 down, 4 (or hopefully less) to go! Feels like so long ago I found out I was pregnant. I took a test 6 days before I missed my period, so I’ve known since week 1. It has made me feel like I’ve been pregnant forever lol! So hopefully he’ll be making his arrival soon!
I definitely feel way more prepared this time, and maybe that’s just because it’s my second child, but I think it’s also because I know how easy childbirth can be! So I’m just wishing it’s just as easy with baby 2 as it was with Liam!
We have everything ready for baby boy so we cannot wait to welcome him! I haven’t been feeling too great these past few days physically- been getting super sick again. That is actually what happened with Liam a week before I had him so I’m hoping his arrival is just around the corner. Thank you all for all the continued prayers and well wishes! 💗