This post is mainly for our family and friends (and anyone else interested in our lives or medicine lol). I was in our hometown this past weekend and I had a couple people ask me about Caleb and med school, etc so I thought I’d just give a little update!
As for Liam. . . he is FINALLY starting to walk and has recently found his tongue again lol- he just giggles and sticks it out and it is hilarious! He is 15 months old and is W I L D- but cute haha.
As for me, although I graduated with a pre-med degree I will not be going back to school! I have taken my blogging venture full time (and being a mom of course) and those are the 2 things I love the most. I am SO GRATEFUL to be able to work from home and take care of Liam. Therefore I am extremely thankful for each and everyone of you that continue to support me, whether that is by reading my blog, liking my posts, or shopping through my links- please no I appreciate it so much!